by artparty_io1aiw | Oct 20, 2021
Self-portrait by Michael Sorrow pastels $1200 VENUE: MAIN STREET BOTTLE SHOP Art Party Artwork All2021 Art Studios2021 Juried Exhibit A Lifelong Walk to the Same Exact Spot Luminal / Liminal Tryptic No Hope Stuck at Home The Death Toll Rises Seventeen Self-portrait...
by artparty_io1aiw | Oct 20, 2021
Yellow in the Kudzu by M.C. Churchill-Nash painting $450 VENUE: MAIN STREET BOTTLE SHOP Art Party Artwork All2021 Art Studios2021 Juried Exhibit A Lifelong Walk to the Same Exact Spot Luminal / Liminal Tryptic No Hope Stuck at Home The Death Toll Rises Seventeen...
by artparty_io1aiw | Oct 20, 2021
Boating in the Kudzu by M.C. Churchill-Nash painting $450 VENUE: MAIN STREET BOTTLE SHOP Art Party Artwork All2021 Art Studios2021 Juried Exhibit A Lifelong Walk to the Same Exact Spot Luminal / Liminal Tryptic No Hope Stuck at Home The Death Toll Rises Seventeen...
by artparty_io1aiw | Oct 19, 2021
Find a Blade Large Enough / Cut Yourself Free by Bethany Salisbury drawing $600 VENUE: MAIN STREET BOTTLE SHOP Art Party Artwork All2021 Art Studios2021 Juried Exhibit A Lifelong Walk to the Same Exact Spot Luminal / Liminal Tryptic No...